Cookie notice

What you need to know

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file which is stored on your computer. Cookies can contain text and numbers such as for example dates. Cookies are not applications and do not contain viruses or equally harmful codes. Cookies serve the purpose of storing specific information about the users on a website so that the website later on will be able to recognise the user and load this stored information. This could be e.g. login information, information about previous visits and which areas of the website the user has visited.

A cookie can only be loaded from the URL (website) it has been stored in. Regular cookies which are stored from a website, are typically stored from the address you see in the address line in the browser. But a website may also contain fragments and information which is downloaded from other addresses than the one shown in the address line of the browser. That could be for example a banner advert or analysis tools, but also regular content. This way, cookies could also be store from other addresses via the website you are actually visiting - so-called third party cookies.

Some cookies (so-called session cookies) are only stored during one browser session and deleted when the browser is closed. Other cookies (so-called persistent cookies are stored for a set period of time, and is not deleted until the expiry of this period of time. 

Which cookies are used by the Website and why?

The Website uses the following cookies:

In connection with log-in information: "DW_Extranet" (only if the solution contains Extranet)

”DW_Extranet” is a ”persistent cookie”. It contains encrypted information about username and password to the extent you are using a log-in function on the Website. The lifespan of the cookie is one month, and it will therefore be deleted one month after the last time you have used the Website's log-in function. This cookie is used to remember you when you return to the Website, so that you won't have to log in again.

In connection with the date of your latest and previous visits: ”Dynamicweb”

”Dynamicweb” is a persistent cookie. it consists of two parts;
"Dynamicweb.VisitorID" is a unique ID which you have been given upon your visiting the Website. "Dynamicweb.VisitDate" is information about the date of your last visit to the Website and is used in connection with statistics.
The cookie has a one year lifespan and it is therefore deleted one year after your last visit to the Website.

How can I avoid the use of cookies on the Website?

Regardless of which browser you are using, you can adjust the browser settings to not store cookies. Some browsers will allow you to only do this setting for certain websites.

Use and disclosure of personal data

Flexo Wash undertakes to protect your privacy and only uses your personal information internally. This includes your information, form submissions and browser history. The information is only passed on to other companies when essential for the completion of the agreements you have entered with us or in conjunction with other strictly monitored agreements or services. In addition, your personal information will not be disclosed to third parties unless you expressly consent to this, or if we are legally required to disclose the information, for example, in connection with claims from the court or authorities.


When contacting us (e.g., via the website contact form or email), we will save the personal information entered, to allow us to deal with the request and in case of follow-up questions, until the query is considered complete.


With our newsletter, we will inform you about news and info. If you wish to receive the newsletter, we need a valid email address, as well as information that allows us to verify that you are the owner of the specified email address and you agree to receive the newsletter. This data is used solely for sending the newsletter and is not disclosed to third parties. If you have signed up for the newsletter from Flexo Wash, the information you supply will be used to send you the newsletter. Your information is not disclosed to third parties, with the sole exception of our partner companies that are responsible for the technical completion of the emailing process. In such cases, the amount of data transmitted is limited to an absolute minimum. Our personal data policy is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR, which supersedes the Act on Processing of Personal Data. When you sign up for our newsletter, we will save your IP address and date of registration. This information serves only as evidence if a third party abuses an email address and signs up for the newsletter without the correct proprietorial use of it. You may at any time revoke your permission for us to store your data and your email address, as well as the use of the latter to send you the newsletter. You can revoke your permission via a link in the newsletter itself.

Collection and storage of user data

To optimize our website, we collect and store various data, for example. the date and time of your visit to our website, which website led you to our website or similar. This information is collected anonymously without it being possible to personally identify the user of the page, such as user profiles that are created using pseudonyms. Also in this case, there is no connection between the person behind the pseudonym and the user data collected. We use cookies for collecting and storing user data. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer and are used to collect statistical information such as operating system, browser, IP address, recently visited websites and time. We collect this data solely for statistical reasons and to optimize our website and make our online profile even more attractive. The collection and storage are anonymous and in pseudonymized form only. Therefore, it is not possible to identify any individual based on this information.

How can I delete cookies?

Privacy questions

You can, at any time, request immediate insight into the information stored under your name or username. This is free. We reserve the right to provide this information electronically. In addition, you have the right to object to the continued use of your personal data at any time. The prior or deleted information will not be retained by us. In the event of a request for insight into the stored information or for the use of the right to object, please provide sufficient information to identify yourself and establish your specific information. In this case, or if you have further questions regarding our data protection, please contact us by email: or by lettter: Data Protection Officer, Flexo Wash, Grenaavej 631K, 8541 Skoedstrup, Denmark.

+8699 3631

By clicking 'Accept All' you consent that we may collect information about you for various purposes, including: Statistics and Marketing