FW Anti Foam (20kg cans)

The liquid/gel is usedto preventfoamingof liquidin the machinetank. It is a powerfuland durable siliconefreefoamreducer. It mixes wellwith waterbasedcleaningliquidslike FW Aqua Cleaner, FW Aqua Cleaner3, and FW Aqua CleanerExtra. FW AntiFoaminstantlyreducesfoaming,and the effectis long lasting.


Container Plastic jerrycan (30x25x40cm) with 20 kg in each
To fill up ½ pallet 240kg (12 cans)
To fill up full pallet 480kg (24 cans)


VOC 0,0%
UN, PG -
Consumables type Anti-foaming agent

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